What's a habit or experience that's so good for your body that your world was immediately different when you learned about it? - Cykapu

What's a habit or experience that's so good for your body that your world was immediately different when you learned about it?

Listening to a song as arranged, you will hear the new world.

Focusing on one point will ignore the others.

When most people listen to a song, they are easily attracted by the lyrics and ignore the beauty of the song.

Try this:

Roughly split the song into three layers: vocals, heavy drums, and the rest.

Deliberately not listening to the vocals, focus your attention on distinguishing subtle sound effects, such as common instruments, running water, ringing fingers, like a microscope, suggesting that you immerse yourself and dissect all the phonemes you hear.

Block out the meaning of the lyrics, do not think, only immersed in the voice, to distinguish the voice becomes bigger and smaller, the rise and fall, listen to the change of breath, choking, self-panting, in which syllables the tone is strong, the tone is clear in which bites.

Listening to music thickly is no longer a river flowing at both ends, but a lake surrounding the mind. All the sounds at the same time, how the vocals are entrained with emotion, when the melody and drums are intertwined.

Listening to loops, the smallest loops are in beats, more in segments, such as a boom repeated every four octaves, such as the ringing fingers at the end of each lyric, and discovering new details all the time.

If you do the above points, about a few eight beats after the obvious feeling of time is pulled back to the present, hear everything exceptionally clear, as if time slows down.

The above is just a primer to expand on the principle.

For the convenience of understanding, imagine your attention, is a puddle of water flowing in the body.

The total amount of water is constant, with more deposited in the brain and less distributed to the torso.

You are the water itself, and can control where it flows for short periods of time, mostly it stays where you are used to for a long time.

Water apportioned to the body is like autopilot, you can barely cope with the daily routine without concentration, but if you concentrate the water in the brain for thinking, and the thinking becomes obsessive, it will weaken the body sensation, even to the point of wasted sleep and food.

It will also be deposited automatically, and you will always have distracting thoughts as you walk along the road.

Water is concentrated in different parts of the body, different effects, roughly divided into two categories: perception, cognition.

▪️ Perception
▫️ vision:
External vision: shape of things, colors, light intensity, etc.
Internal vision: all scenes that can be reproduced and reorganized with eyes closed, including dreams and mirth.
▫️ Hearing
1. External hearing: all the human voices you hear, natural sounds, etc.
2. internal auditory: the giligili eye that rings repeatedly in your head...
1. proprioceptive touch: soreness, pain, numbness, itchiness, coolness
2. Spatial perception
3.emotional perception
4.sense of smell, taste, etc.

▪️ cognition
▫️ logical thinking
1. meaningful active deduction or ingestion of information
2. cluttered meaningless flashes of consciousness
▫ Recollection (i.e., reproducing internal perceptions)
▫ Imagination (i.e., secondary processing of internal perceptions)

Water stays in the cognitive region consuming far more brain power than perception.

Commonly referred to as mind exhaustion, long term deposition in the cognitive area, repeated recollection of anticipation, contemplation of imagery, consumes a great deal of willpower while the perceptual area is hyperactive, and the disconnect between mind and body is a source of exhaustion.

Concentration in the perceptual area replenishes a lot of willpower.

Without a current to concentrate on, that zone doesn't evolve. Concentrate on imaginative recollections, and the imagery and brainstorming gets bigger, concentrate on thinking, and the logic skyrockets.

And concentrated in the perception area, such as body sense, physical strength and athletic ability significantly increased, set of sight and sound, will develop human potential.

Like a drop of water through a stone, each person's volume is not the same, some people are still a pool of stagnant water, but some people can be in the perception of cognitive free flow, literary and athletic ability at the same time the brain thinking is also exceptionally clear.

The principle is so, behind each area has its focused brain area, is a process of mutual reinforcement, for example:

Training to draw, visual ability to improve, so more good at art, in the drawing kind of accumulation of a wealth of visual sensory elements, turn to the beauty of the profession to learn, there is unlimited potential.

Dance to exercise the body's sense of touch, turn your head to learn skateboarding, it is easy to keep smooth.

If you read a lot of books, you will be able to accumulate your imagination and introduce it into your visual and auditory senses, and then your photography will have a clear idea of what you want to do.

Perception is the first raw material, while cognition is reprocessing.

Humans are so used to thinking that they tend to ignore the pleasure of concentration.

Whether it's yoga, meditation, tai chi, or even classical qigong and zen, the essence is to focus on the senses in exchange for a break in the brain.

People who are artistic and athletic seem spiritual because they already have ways of keeping their brains alive.

The listening exercises I mentioned at the beginning are a way for people who don't have sensory hobbies to have a way to rest their brains.

It's not enough to talk about it when the knowledge is already out there and very few people are benefiting from it.

I'll list some ideas that can train the senses in practice:

▪️ left hand x eating

Two benefits of using the non-dominant hand when eating:

First, when eating goes from being an instinctive response to being somewhat laborious, you concentrate more on the meal itself.

There is nothing one can do to spoil a meal more than to think too much about it while eating.

▫️ Use your left hand to pick up your meal and experience the muscle slowness and full concentration when you are pinching the food.

▫️ dish in your mouth and close your eyes, tongue stirring, tongue sweet and sour spicy, chewing very slowly, to distinguish the difference between the spiciness of potato chips and chili peppers, to distinguish the sweetness of cheese and oatmeal, rice slow chewing aftertaste of the light aroma.

You'll love eating alone.

Potato chips can be bitten with incisors, and a high melon rattles with rhythm.

Carefully identify the food's: temperature, wetness and dryness, softness and hardness, stimulation on the front, aftertaste on the back, a blending of several flavors.

Unintentionally unlock new neurons when you get left-handed and skillful.

▪️ acumen x touch

With body training, you want to strengthen that area and put restrictions on it.

For example, when practicing push-ups, go from two hands to one hand to three fingers.

Sensory training is all about restriction.

There are countless ways to do this, a couple thoughts:

If you like to run, why not try single leg jumps, two jumps and a leg change to five jumps and a leg change, and finally be able to run a hundred meters on one leg, not only is the training fun. It will also make normal running like flying.

Like basketball, on the back of the right hand to practice the left hand, set the right foot to practice turning, the development of a variety of suitable obstacles, for example, deliberately go to practice one hundred times one-legged standing jump shot, in advance of the game may appear temporary reaction are practiced to be able to.

Like to walk, you can experience the difference between using the knee force to lift back and normal walking, you can also try to walk flat without making a sound, you can hit the straight knee to walk on the ankle alone.

And another tactile training, called black technology.

Fear of itch, fear of pain, fear of cold, fear of heat?

If enough training, the ability to control the body will exceed common sense, which requires a systematic and progressive.

Take the sense of pain as an example, pinch yourself.

First, pinch yourself normally, experience the pain of being pinched slightly, pinch your arm and slowly increase the strength.

The moment you feel the pain, do not resist the struggle! Don't run away to divert your attention either! Instead, perceive it carefully! Relax your breathing, focus your attention on the area of pain, quietly perceive the pain, break down the pain: is it a little numbness, a kind of squeezing heat, we always run away when we feel pain, have you ever tried to carefully distinguish what the pain really feels like?

Distinguish and perceive the details of the pain, take a deep breath, imagine the gas blowing to the location of the pinch, quietly accept the pain, it will slowly become a different kind of soreness.

Once it is no longer resisted, increase the intensity and again perceive the acceptance at the new intensity, and so on.

Just as an example, you can try practicing acceptance of an itch, you can soak your hands in ice water, you can use it for leg presses.

The ability to harness the physical body will eventually spread to mental resistance to stress.

The principle is, be aware of the discrimination, accept the acceptance, savor the experience, it feels pretty good.

There is also a mental method that relies on imagination.

Old Mac's bullet time in GTA5 is this feeling.

No matter where you are now, start imagining, time around you suddenly slows down, you see the scenery become bright, fine, a sentence a movement is slowed and clear, hear everything, even the sparrow chirping mixed in the cheering is captured by you, you can feel the touch of the soles of your feet, the feeling of breath flowing through your nostrils when you breathe, like it can turn your emotions into a ball of fire, like it opens up the pores all over your body, and a slight breeze is blowing through your body, and you're breathing through the skin of your entire body.

You are truly living in this moment of the present, this second, and the peace flows with joy.
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Author: Steven Ting

Cofounder of www.cykapu.com, father of two children. As a man over 30, only write the thing i am interesting in.