How much pressure do competitive sports athletes feel? - Cykapu

How much pressure do competitive sports athletes feel?

How big is the goal

How high is the expectation

How big is the pressure

For professional athletes, winning and championship is their only goal, and the data associated with the process of achieving the goal is just incidental.

As long as Argentina can get the World Cup championship, Messi 0 goals 0 assists 0 threatening passes 0 breakthroughs are indifferent.

Likewise James if you can start your own 3 even dynasty, what high order data that is not a matter.

Let's put it this way, the so-called science of training is to train people to death without leading to injuries and disabilities that would affect training.

The so-called science is not to reduce the volume of exercise, but to explore where the limits of the volume.

If you are not a athlete and have pressure, you can play pop it sports to relieve.

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Author: Steven Ting

Cofounder of, father of two children. As a man over 30, only write the thing i am interesting in.