What are Pop It Toys used for? - Cykapu

What are Pop It Toys used for?

Covid-19 weeks, a new toy will appear on my desk and reproduce like a new crown pneumonia. By summer, we had bought 10 different shapes, sizes and colors, and my son was trading them at school. He'...
Pop It Unicorn purse - Cykapu

Pop It Unicorn purse

Pop It Unicorn purse

How To Use Pop It And M&Ms To Make Candy Bar?

Use some chocolate chips and a pop-it fidget and you're ready to make your own homemade candy bar!The pop it toys are unique in that they are made of the same material as the silicone candy molds a...

How Pop It Toys Relieves Fidget

One of the most common symptoms that humans exhibit under stress or tension is hyperactivity. Things like constantly shaking your legs, biting your mouth, breaking your fingers, eating your nails, ...

Our Story

Founded in 2019, Cykapu designs and sells a wide variety of pop it toys. Initially, cykapu sold pop it toys on Amazon. Later, we established cykapu.com in order to provide more services to our cus...
Pop It Fidget Rule - Cykapu

Pop It Fidget Rule

The latest toy craze is here, making waves in every household, not just across the country, but perhaps around the world. A silicon­­­e toy is basically the modern version of a bubble wrap. This co...
Our pop it game online now - Cykapu

Our pop it game online now

Cykapu Pop It Game is a satisfying game with some shapes to pop it toys.When we click on fidget buttons it makes a soothing sound and you can change different sound type as you like. Pop it fidgets...
What is a good way to decompress the pressure? - Cykapu

What is a good way to decompress the pressure?

1. Go jogging, play badminton, table tennis and other sports. Exercise can make you optimistic, trust me.2. Raise a dog, animals can heal the heart, the warmest companionship.3. Go to the game hall...

How does "Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD)" occur, what are the main symptoms, and how should they be diagnosed and treated?

I am a diagnosed mixed adult adhd (hyperactivity disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity impulse disorder). I am currently a graduate student in psychology. After I was diagnosed with ADHD last y...