Why do you feel that the World Cup is not as difficult as the UEFA Champions League, but the most influential? - Cykapu

Why do you feel that the World Cup is not as difficult as the UEFA Champions League, but the most influential?

The difficulty of the Champions League and the difficulty of the World Cup in the end is higher and lower, see from which Angle to analyze:

Some people think that the Champions League is difficult because of the long season, fewer opponents and the best teams and even the best stars in the world.

Some argue that the World Cup is difficult because it has a fault-tolerance rate of almost zero, a packed schedule and seven matches of nationalism and a sense of winning.

There's a case to be made in either direction, but no matter what, the World Cup will always be the most valuable team award on Blue Star:

As long as the world has the concept of nations and nations, the World Cup will always be at the pinnacle of the pinnacle of sporting events.

This is mainly determined by the two different types of events:

In essence, teams in the European Club Cup represent cities rather than countries.

Also, the Champions League is essentially an annual business competition, so if it doesn't work one year, it's good to come back the next. I have rarely heard of a city in the Champions League waving a cheque in order to host the final like Qatar. I have not seen Zinedine Zidane being challenged by Marco Materazzi to the top of the league. I have not seen a star like Kaka, who is willing to play for his entire career, and I have not seen a goal-line rescue like Suya. A goal like Ronaldinho's has long been a thing of the past, not to mention the fact that the supporters of some of the teams involved will celebrate their entry into the Champions League.

World Cup development

In 1928, FIFA decided to create their own international competition outside of the Olympic structure. FIFA decided to award the tournament to Uruguay because it had won two consecutive official football championships (FIFA's professional era had begun in 1924) and had offered to cover the full cost of participating countries in 1930, the centenary of its independence.

The first World Cup was born.

This political mandate also established the special relationship between football and national independence and liberation, and gradually transformed the World Cup into a stage of war in peacetime.

In the view of the Uruguayan author Galeano:

From the 1930s to the 1950s, Uruguay fought for national independence and liberation. The equality, games, freedom and colorful football style they showed is the real football.

After the game, the Uruguayan government ordered a national holiday, the country celebrated, people marched, the capital city of Montevideo, many people riding tall horses, wearing red and green, paraded through the city. The sound of music and drums was deafening, and thousands of young girls danced in the streets as if it were a national celebration.

Under the threat of "win or die", Italy won the World Cup and demonstrated the "superiority" of fascism.

In 1950, the Brazilians hosted the World Cup for the first time.

At the time, Brazil had just emerged from 15 years of authoritarian rule under President Vargas and was eager to show the international community that it had successfully shed the burdens of colonialism and slavery and was a respectable adversary.

1954 FIFA celebrates its 50th anniversary. In honor of this history, the 1954 World Cup was hosted by FIFA's home country of Switzerland. The German national team, filled with feelings of guilt and guilt, defeated Hungary, the first super team in history, with the "miracle of Bern." Later, Heinrich, a German political scientist, declared that this was the true birth of the German Federation and regarded it as a sign that Germans were being accepted by the world again.

In German eyes:

The victory in Bern was the birth of German football virtue and a rebirth of national self-confidence.

After that, the economy of the Federal Republic of Germany rose rapidly and the German Chariot soon became one of the strongest economies in Europe again.

The 1986 World Cup is my personal greatest World Cup -- it truly defined the World Cup's role as a "religious ritual" in shaping national and national cohesion.

During the heyday of the British Empire in the 19th and early 20th centuries, when Argentina was unofficially part of the British Empire, the sport of football spread to Argentina and around the world along with British power.

In Argentina, the game broke down the concept of social class, became popular with the locals, and developed a unique style of South American football, especially suited to players like Maradona who do not have to be tall to win.

The South American style of football, with its emphasis on individual skills and acrobatic dribbling like dance moves, has made South American football an international success and put South American countries on the world stage.

South American soccer's perfect revenge story is Maradona, the Italian immigrant and Native American street kid who grew up in a poor neighborhood outside Buenos Aires and will become Argentina's spiritual totem after this World Cup. Argentines' self-imagination; He is the saviour of the Argentine nation and one of the iconic figures of the global left movement.

In 1982, when Argentina and Britain went to war over the Malvinas Islands, "the British killed them like birds."

Maradona himself was deeply opposed to the Falklands War and never hid his disdain for Argentina's military government. But as a disciple of Juan Peron, Maradona hoped to protect the entire Argentine nation and bring psychological joy and relief to innocent people through his performance.

Argentina met England in the last eight of the 1986 World Cup in what has come to be known as the "Clash of the Gods".

Before the match, Maradona led Argentina's players in vowing revenge:

"Defend our flag, avenge the dead, defend the living!"

Six minutes into the second half, Maradona gave the ball to teammate Valdano on the wing, whose shot was blocked by England defender Hodge before being passed back to goalkeeper Shilton. At that point, Maradona raised his forearm high and used Diego's hand to pick the English man's wallet, giving Argentina a 1-0 lead.

After the game, Maradona referred to the ball as "A little of the hand of God, and a little of the head of Maradona," implying that God was the ultimate arbiter of goals, To further humiliate the British;

But three minutes later, despite all his doubts about the "Hand of God", BBC commentator Barry Davies was forced to lament the sheer brilliance of football talent:

And you have to say that is magnificent.

Now, on various video platforms, the goal is often linked to a live Spanish rant by Uruguayan soccer journalist Victor Hugo Morales (I've posted a Spanish commentary to show the mood) :

La va a tocar para Diego, ahí la tiene Maradona, lo marcan dos, pisa la pelota Maradona, arranca por la derecha el genio del fútbol mundial, deja el tendal y va a tocar para Burruchaga... ¡Siempre Maradona! ¡Genio! ¡Genio! ¡Genio! Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta... Gooooool... Gooooool... ¡Quiero llorar! ¡Dios Santo, viva el fútbol! ¡Golaaazooo! ¡Diegoooool! ¡Maradona! Es para llorar, perdónenme... Maradona, en una corrida memorable, en la jugada de todos los tiempos... Barrilete cósmico... ¿De qué planeta viniste para dejar en el camino a tanto inglés, para que el país sea un puño apretado gritando por Argentina? Argentina 2 - Inglaterra 0. Diegol, Diegol, Diego Armando Maradona... Gracias Dios, por el fútbol, por Maradona, por estas lágrimas, por este Argentina 2 - Inglaterra 0.

"He's going to pass it to Diego, there's Maradona, there's two guys beside him, Maradona receives the ball, the genius of world football starts on the right wing of the pitch, he goes off the wing, he's going to pass it to Bruchaga... Or Maradona! Genius! Genius! Genius! There, there, there, there, there, there! The ball is in! The ball is in! I'm gonna cry. God, long live football! What a goal! Diego's goal! Maradona! Forgive me for crying, Maradona, for the unforgettable run, for the greatest goal of all time! Cosmic kite, from what planet did you come to earth? You left the English behind, you made Argentina clench their fists and cry! Argentina 2-0 England! Diego's goal! Diego's goal! Diego Armando Maradona! Thank you, God, for football, for Maradona, for the tears, for Argentina 2-0 England."

No player has conquered football in the space of three minutes in two very different ways, the devil and God -- except Maradona.

He sent England home with the hand of God and the goal of the century, punching and kicking.

"Although we used to say before this match that football had nothing to do with the war in the Malvinas Islands, we know that many young Argentines died there and that the British killed them like birds... We are playing for revenge."

On October 8, 2005, Cote d 'Ivoire beat Sudan 3-1 in the African zone qualifier for the World Cup in Germany to qualify for the World Cup finals for the first time in its history.

After the match, captain Didier Drogba invited a Tediva state TV camera into the dressing room and confided to the nation:

People of Cote d 'Ivoire, from the north, the south, the centre and the west, we proved today that all Ivorians can coexist and play together for a common goal - to qualify for the World Cup finals. We promise you that the celebration will bring the people together, and today we kneel to you in prayer.

Then the entire Ivory Coast team fell to its knees:

An African country with so much wealth must not descend into war. Please lay down your arms and hold elections.

Forgive us!

This ordinary words, in Drogba's mouth, but appear so powerful. Drogba was born in Abidjan in the south, and Kolo Toure, whom he hugged throughout his speech, is a Muslim from the north.

Just as the ball of the 2006 World Cup in Germany "+ team Star" embodies the concept of "cooperative spirit". Because of the World Cup, Ivorians have stopped civil war and ushered in peace.

In 2010, the World Cup was held in Africa for the first time. The logo of the World Cup in South Africa contains strong African characteristics. The overall picture is evolved from the African continent, and the main color of the head is black, which symbolizes the unique skin color of Africans. Besides, white, green, yellow and red attached to the edge constitute the color of the South African flag.

Zakumi, the mascot of South Africa's World Cup, is a cute leopard wearing a white T-shirt, green shorts and a head with many knots of green sports long hair. He was born on June 16, 1994, the day when South Africa officially ended the apartheid system.

For Zakumi, it was a new South Africa, an effort to heal the wounds of South Africa's past and to help the world identify with its troubled nation.

The 2018 World Cup in Russia will be the best stage for Iceland to show their national name card.

Courage, courage and the spirit of never giving up are the most important attributes in the eyes of Icelanders, and the national team embodies these values.

And the Viking roar on the World Cup stage is the best way to let the world remember them.

The World Cup is the first martial arts tournament in the world, in which 211 countries and regions invest untold human and material resources in order to show off their talents every four years in summer (and occasionally in winter).

As a war in peacetime, the World Cup is the highest hall where more than 200 football associations on all seven continents claim the Blue Star's highest honor every four-year cycle.

The development of the World Cup is consistent with international politics, class struggle, national independence and other left-wing discourses, including the identity of communities, countries and nations.

The tension on the football field strengthens the nation's self-imagination and construction;

The style of the football team reflects the characteristic style of all nationalities to a considerable extent.

With the increasingly serious commercialization of football today, the community significance represented by the clubs of the Champions League has been dissolved to some extent; However, the national and national identity behind the national or regional teams has not been eliminated by capital.

Therefore, the World Cup, as a "religious ceremony", has always played an important role in shaping national and national cohesion.

Only in the World Cup, even at a time when individuality matters more, are individuals willing to put themselves under the banner of a powerful force.

And this flag eventually became the spiritual sustenance of the ethnic group and satisfied the imagination of war.

The 2018 World Cup in Russia was watched by 3.572 billion people, more than half of the world's population over the age of four.

Some people say: football is not about life or death.

I said, hey, man, football really isn't a matter of life and death; But football can transcend life and death -- its meaning is more important than life and death itself.

To sum up:

The World Cup is the highest team sports honor on Earth.

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Author: Steven Ting

Cofounder of www.cykapu.com, father of two children. As a man over 30, only write the thing i am interesting in.