The powerful earthquake has killed more than 3,000 people in Turkey and Syria, and the Turkish president has declared seven days of national mourning
The biggest threat to the rescue situation at the moment is the cold weather, in addition to the frequent aftershocks.

Under the numerical forecast of ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts), a low vortex system forced by a warm ridge in Western Europe is and is going to continue to affect the Turkey-Syria region.

This spiral cloud system can be vaguely identified on satellite cloud maps, and it will bring widespread cooling and snowfall processes to Turkey.
The weather forecast for the hardest-hit area of Kahramanmarash shows that its also going to be around 0°C with rain and snow today.
Due to the prolonged control of the low vortex, Turkey will continue to have low temperatures for the next week and the night temperatures will be below zero, which is unfavorable news for both rescuers and stranded people.
Even more unfavorable news is that the damage from both earthquakes is expanding on each other. Significant damage was also reported in Adana and Diyarbakir, indicating that the earthquakes have affected the area more than expected and that local buildings are less resistant to earthquakes than expected. Some places where the predicted intensity was only 6 to 7 also experienced widespread house collapses, which I did not expect.